Saturday, July 7, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 7/7/18

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

... I may have discovered a fatal flaw with my favorite newer Facebook feature -- the snooze button (aka the #stfu button).

All y'all are coming out of your 30 day timeouts and you haven't changed your anti-social-social-media behavior, and so you're ending up right back in the timeout ... lesson completely unlearned.

Which brings me to the aforementioned flaw -- there's no notification to you to inform you that I just made you shut the f*ck up ... just a warning to me in my feed that you are about to become unsnoozed a few weeks after I activated the feature on your account.  Sure, MY life in the prior 30 days has been peaceful and calm and unstressful in a way not felt since the earlier part of this decade, but what's the point if you are just going to come off of your time out rarin' and roarin' and misbehavin' to just end up right back in the equivalent of the Facebook corner (if the Facebook corner had a fully functional ball gag).

DISCLAIMER:  My use of "you" in this post couldn't possibly mean "you" the reader ... unless, of course, "you" know that "you" are one of the ones to whom I am most definitely referencing and then the content of this rant most certainly applies exactly and specifically to "you" (and there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that the "you" toward the end of that disclaimer is the plural form of "you")!

ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER:  As fond as I am of this snooze-a-person feature, I'm not endorsing the enhanced version of it that was just recently announced where you can snooze keywords.  Basically, I make you #stfu because I believe that temporary insanity is a thing and that hope isn't completely lost on you until you snap and become the latest white man terrorist acting out your shoot-em-up video games OR you get busted via viral video for being your now-free-to-be-hateful-self in public in a moment when someone has a cell phone running at the same time.  Keyword search seems a little more head-in-the-sand and a little more likely to be abused by BigZuckerbergBrother and his ilk in a "we are the future (?!) propagandists your mother warned you about" kind of way.

So where was I?  Right -- I guess I'll just have to send "thoughts and prayers" that one day you will be a human again ... and until then, enjoy your snooze -- and by "enjoy your snooze", I mean that *I* will be the one most enjoying the fact that I snoozed you.