Saturday, July 21, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 7/21/18

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

... the trash people have moved into the house directly behind us, and I'm not happy about it.

Mind you, I understand that it's all relative ... and when you look at this picture of the back yard as it currently exists, you might not even notice that tarp in the distance that is covering up a truck full of ... well ... trash.  I zoomed in for the second picture (which will replace my usual links-in-triplicate that often accompany these posts on the blog/on the Facebook), where it's a little more visible.

I also completely understand that there's probably little I can control over what they do back there ('cause ... 'Murica!) -- but I still get steamed that the first thing they did upon moving in was to tear out all the pretty bougainvillea and then remove branch after branch of the trees in their yard ... which I consider more of an affront when I think about how much greenery our yard lost during Irma almost a year ago (greenery that brings all the birds to the yard -- or that USED to, prior to nature and the trash people doing their respective damages).

And if the deforestation and the parking of the truck with the giant pile of trash in the back yard isn't bad enough, there is also an incessant banging at all hours of the night -- at 9pm when it scares the puppies who are doing their post-dinner constitutional routine ... and at 2am when the only type of banging that *should* be happening is the freaky outdoor sex kind.  (My best guess for what's going on is that the amateur trash people are of the "scrappers" ilk, and that the noises are the byproduct of "breaking down" their trash into pieces of metal to haul away for money).

My only hope is that the foliage grows back tenfold there in the spot between yards that we call no man's land (which is where the giant golden orb spiders live, by the way) ... or that code enforcement comes a-callin' ...