Friday, July 20, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 7/20/18

I told you two weeks ago when I explained that the most recent set of twenty year old photos I was adding to the 1998 Flashback Friday series would be featuring pics my bio-moms sent me of her summer activity from two decades ago -- specifically, that she went with the family members who live west-of-the-Mississippi to a place called Browns Lake, Montana -- that it was clearly (partly) a fishing trip.

And now ... the proof.

The funny thing is she decided to throw a little shade (as the kids say) by writing on the back:  "me, 5 fish ... Ashlyn, 4 fish ... papa, 1 (smallest)".  To translate that, she was kind of bragging that she both outfished her granddaughter (my niece) AND her long time end-of-life partner (also known as Skip), who only managed to snag a the tiniest fish out of this bunch.

This being Montana and all, I have a feeling that all ten fish were eaten that weekend.  Just a hunch.