Friday, April 13, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 4/13/18

Twenty years ago, in the spring of 1998, little miss Mauler Jean was growing up quickly.

As you might remember, Mauler Jean was the tiny little kitten that I had found in the woods of Mt Gretna the year before ... the one who slept inside my shirt for the first few days I had her ... the one who was partly raised by Little One the ferret and who was fascinated with Demon the original pit bull (who also arrived in the extended family around the same time).

In this photo, she was probably a year or so old, hanging out with the things that smelled like me up in my attic room of the second fraternity house (the one on Walnut Street) ... seeing as how she had to entertain herself whilst I was out and about taking my law school classes and working multiple jobs.  By the year's end, she'd have fellow kitty housemates in a completely different house ... but for this specific time, she was enjoying her status as an "only kitty".

PS ... you can tell for sure that this is a photo from the late 90's by that braided brown belt still looped in my jeans ... although, truth be told, I was wearing braided belts long after they should have been sartorially retired ... so there's that.