Sunday, February 4, 2018

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 2/4/18

What southern Florida is talking about this week:

the 52'nd big game (of course)!

I know this for sure because when I picked up the Sunday paper this morning at my local 7-11, the Ukrainian lady behind the counter asked me if I would be watching and for whom I would be cheering.  When I said that I grew up in PA so I felt for the Eagles, she gave me a high five.  (Mind you, this is the same lady who always calls me sweetie and whom I called out for cheating on me when I heard her call another customer by the same name ... so it might be that I would have gotten a high five regardless of which team I said 'cause she makes everyone feel good.)

The reality for me is that I max out at football when I watch Penn State on Saturdays in season and do not profess too strong an allegiance to any of the NFL teams (although, what with me being from PA, I wouldn't mind a "turnpike" Super Bowl one of these years between both PA teams).  I should probably go on record to state that my boycott of the NFL is inadvertent and is not tied to any comment on the controversy that keeps the part time occupant of the White House up at night.  Now I will say that those who protest those who protest are ultimately supporting the right of those they protest to protest seeing as how they are exercising their right to protest those who protest  -- which gives legitimacy to the right to protest in the first place.  So they are basically simultaneously supporting AND protesting the original protest.  There's a part of me that wants to troll the social media for all those who said they'd boycott the NFL but yet are offering commentary on this evening's goings-on -- but trolling is soooo last year (and besides, I'm convinced that trolls act out due to an inability to deal with their small appendages [exhibit A:  the part time occupant of the White House] and I don't fit that profile.)

So anyways -- congrats in advance to whichever team pulls out all the stops in the game they'll be playing between all the commercials I'll be watching ... whilst I'm eating some homemade tropical guacamole (traditional guacamole with some mangoes thrown in for good measure) and tex-mex style fajitas ('cause my annual work trip at this time of year was cancelled, which means the tradition of piggybacking off of it to "chase the Super Bowl" is on an indefinite hold ... and since me and mine can't be in Houston tonight for the show [the site of last year's game], we're bringing a little bit of Houston here.  Who knows if we'll make it to Minneapolis next year ...)

Have fun ... stay safe ... and keep the rioting to a minimum please!