Friday, February 2, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 2/2/18

Twenty years ago ... in the winter of 1998 ... I was winding down my side thing of doing audience participation murder mysteries.  In the earlier part of the decade, I had all the connections to perform them at my alma mater LVC, but every now and then there were some special offsite shows -- for instance, there were several back-to-back years of doing Bible based murder mysteries (believe me -- there is all kinds of drama in that Old Testament) at a Lutheran church camp up in the woods of north central PA.

Since Mauler Jean was newly in the family and not even yet a year old, for this particular trip, she got to go along and hang out in the Aframe cabin (as blurrily pictured).  Considering she was found abandoned in the woods of Gretna ... hanging out in the woods up there for the weekend was probably like a little homecoming of sorts for her.  Either way, she made herself right at "home" as honorary church camp cat that year.