Friday, February 16, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 2/16/18

It was twenty years ago, in the winter of 1998 (early March specifically, if the time stamp on this old fashioned photo is to be trusted) and that would have meant that I was fulfilling my annual obligation to be the "entertainment" at a Lutheran youth church camp up in the mountains of north central PA.

I'm pretty sure that this was the 4th of 5 years where I made that trek (or the 5th of 6 years?), and by this picture, I'm also pretty sure that this was the year I didn't bring any actors *with* me (although, as shown last time, I *did* bring along the little kitty that had just moved in) but that I had started working with actual campers to put on the weekend's activities (specifically these four young folk).

I'd have to dig deeper in the archives than just the 1998 photo album to uncover exactly which murdery Bible story was featured that year (David having Bathsheba's husband killed maybe?) -- but lucky for me, there's all kind of high drama and wanton violence in the Old Testament to keep a twisted mind like mine busy -- and to keep church campers entertained running through the woods in the cold trying to solve a murder.