Friday, January 19, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 1/19/18

One benefit of turning back time every other Friday to what life was like two decades ago is that you occasionally will see people who are no longer with us.

To that point, here's my biological mother (who passed a few years ago) holding on to the last of her grandchildren to arrive (Kristin B), as captured in late January/early February of 1988.  I know this for sure because the back of the photo says "Grandma Drey and Kristin 2 1/2 months", and since Kristin was a Thanksgiving(ish) baby, math confirms it.  (Plus, it's in the very very front of my 1988 photo album, so there's that ...)

Putting all the pieces together, that also means that my mom Mary made the trip from way out west (Montana I do believe) in to the suburbs of St. Louis (where my sister and her brood were living at the time).  I too would one day make a trip to St Louis ... but not until 2004 -- so you'll have to wait until 2024 to see that pic in this series (assuming the interwebs are still free and all on that future date ['cause net neutrality]).