Friday, July 21, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 7/21/17

Tonight's theme for the 41st batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is "Just a few more Pets!".  Actually, this will be the last of the special sets I've been doing on an alternating basis in order to get through so many of the pet photos that I discovered were in the mix.  But before it wraps ...

#201:  alert Fluffy with my father's father Paul
#202:  sleepy Fluffy with just as sleepy grandpa Paul
#203:  last shot of Fluffy in his big red bed
#204:  herd of kitties hanging out under the porch of what I think is the farm where my father moved after he divorced wife #4 -- in Fredericksburg across from the town's public pool (a house where that divorced wife once lived with the husband she had before she was married to my dad ... 'cause that's how my family rolls)
#205:  workbench cat with my dad -- except that I don't ever remember having a family kitty so I'm guessing this is also from a time frame much later in life after I ran away from home