Friday, July 14, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 7/14/17

Then *this* happened!

Well, the *this* I'm referencing happened *two decades* ago back in 1997, seeing as how that's how I'm telling the story of my life, some twenty years after it happened.

As the tale is told, in those days, I had a job at Gretna Theatre and one later night, I was headed up to the offices above the corner store when I heard a crying in the woods.  It only took a little investigating to turn up a tiny tiny abandoned kitten.  And in no time at all, I was taking her home to hang with my ferret and an American box turtle (whom I had also coincidentally plucked from the woods of Gretna one night driving home when it wouldn't leave the road).  For the first few days, the one who came to be known as Mauler Jean, slept inside my shirt ...

This is the earliest pic I have of her, taken a few weeks after she joined the family.  I know this because she's playing on the floor of the office in the house on Walnut St next to Big Bertha's (which is another 1997 story waiting for its turn to be told later this year).