Friday, June 30, 2017

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 17

Hello again from 2084!  It's Ilion taking advantage of the monthly Vitalnet update to continue letting you all know back in your era about my ongoing adventures since I slipped through the portal into the future through that app in my cellphone.

With my forged identity papers in hand that were designed to fool the Population Control Board's Covfefe Crew (the private company that was outsourced to be immigration enforcers) ... and my trip from the Florida Isles to Old Orleans coordinated by my contact in the IntransiGents (rebels and resisters planning the Fourth Uprising), I have to admit that I was somewhat surprised to learn that my travel was to be by boat.  I mean sure, it was a nice boat and all having been a luxury yacht back in its day salvaged after the sea rise crisis -- but having slipped through a portal in my cellphone to get here, I was expecting something more like beam-me-up technology to get me from point A to point B.

I came to discover that transportation had gone mostly retro, with a heavy emphasis on trains back on the remaining mainland and boats everywhere else.  The terrorists had struck again on the 50th anniversary of 9/11, with a coordinated tech attack that jammed planes in mid-flight and caused them to fall to the ground in a worldwide calamity that killed tens of thousands.  After that incident, the skies were only used by the various militaries -- and the Middle East became the world's largest nuclear exclusion zone after the global response to that horrific day.

So a boat it was -- and I boarded with a cover story that I was looking to reunite with my long lost family who had sold me as a baby via child-traders to a European couple visiting Canada back when we all lived in the now abandoned city of Chitown.  Apparently, so many people had horrible stories from having lived in that particular location through the decades that I would be sure to sail through any immigration checkpoints just by mentioning that I was from Chicago.

My fellow passengers were people looking for work, and although there would be others connected to the IntransiGents on the ride with me, I was not to know who they were so as not to compromise the mission.  With one exception -- and that was that I could trust Captain Sandy.  It was from her that I learned so much about the state of world affairs, what with all her knowledge she had gained from her extensive travels.

I can't wait to share some of them with you ... but I will have to as the small window of time I have to slip these updates into your social media feed on the last day of every month has already come to a close.  Until that next time, I remain Troy in 2084 now known as Ilion as brought to the future by t1a7n72.lif (my SQ, IQ and EQ files uploaded to the Vitalnet) communicating with you through the use of Troy in 2017's social media accounts.