Monday, May 15, 2017

Random Memorial for Monday 5/15/17

Gone but not forgotten:  the same bootleg tape I mentioned two weeks ago (two weeks is a relative term considering how I'm playing fast and loose with the post-dating rules on the blog while I get caught up).

The reason this old fashioned cassette is showing up more than once?  Because TWO full length CDs could fit on it .. and it's time to say goodbye to 'Greatest Hits Vol I' (not just because Vol II is on the A side and Vol I is on the B side -- which offends my mild OCDness, but because the CD version of this volume of Greatest Hits is in the music cabinet ... and ALSO, this was just a Greatest Hits, as, at the time it was released, there was no way to know that there would be a few hits collections to come.)

So many great songs from this great album have already been featured on this great blog (especially when adding in the original CapCognition blog that preceded this one), but the benefit of it being a collection of greatest hits means that there are still plenty from which to choose -- for instance, *this* gem where Reba lets everyone know that she's got a deal for them ...