Friday, May 5, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 5/5/17

Look what's making another appearance?

If you answered "the Renaissance Faire in 1997" (two decades ago), you'd be right, 'cause this is the sixth of seven photos from that day out and about.

If you replied "the giant knight that was at the Renaissance Faire in 1997", you'd also be right, 'cause said metal monstrosity was the focus of the photo the last time we added to this series (although neither picture attempt was successful at capturing the helmet for some reason)..

If you said "little Jakey W who was standing in front of the giant knight that was at the Renaissance Faire in 1997", you'd also also be right, 'cause he and I were the ones taking advantage of everything the Faire had to offer that fall day long long ago.

Be sure to come back for the final photo to be posted "next" time -- promised to be a big BIG finish!