Friday, May 12, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 5/12/17

Tonight's theme for the 36th batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is "late 70's", as all of these photos of color are time stamped toward the end of that decade (and all but the last seemed to have come from the same camera).  Seeing as how I personally ended that decade at all but 8 years old, I'll have to rely on others to fill in any blanks for people and/or locations I don't recognize.

#176:  (my) grandpa Paul doing the gentlemanly thing and holding my grandma Esther's purse outside a church? restaurant? (time stamped Sep 77 on back of photo)
#177:  unknown couple kissing (maybe one of my dad's brothers?) at unknown location with unknown handwriting on back that says "they developed the wrong picture to send" (time stamped May 77 on back of photo)
#178:  cross armed woman not looking at the camera -- handwriting on back says "Jan 1978 Elsie Brisket" (or maybe 
#179:  female choir of some kind singing somewhere with maybe my Aunt Evelyn (my dad's sister) on the end at the right of the front quartet all dressed in yellow (time stamped Mar 79 on back of photo)
#180:  same female choir as before (as per the green outfits and the same choirmaster off to the side) with this handwritten on back:  "[unclear word] competition March 18, 1979 I'm in the 2nd row 3rd from right" ... which I still think is likely my Aunt Evelyn