Saturday, April 15, 2017

Random Soapbox for Saturday 4/15/17

I don't mean to go on a rave here, but ...

... I will.  After I first explain a little something something.

In my Saturday post tagged a week ago, I said it would be the last rave in awhile ... because I was raving during all of Lenten season and Lenten season was over.

Except it wasn't.  I guess that when you write posts in June and back-date them to April because you fell behind in your daily posting schedule back in January and February, you kind of forget exactly when Easter was.

So, for real this time, one more rave (for a few weeks, anyway) before returning to weekly rants -- and it goes to a song on Kenny Chesney's latest album, because mentioning it here is also going to revive an old occasional series from the original capcognition blog called "Country Music has the best ... lyrics ... ever".  It may be the first appearance here, but it's the 11th entry overall.

What exactly is so deserving?  How's about the song with these lyrics:

I made a bucket list, changed the B to an F
I gave my give a damn the finger, so it got up and left
I quit worrying about people's expectations
And ordered up a six pack of chillaxification
If you're a little depressed, and a little bit lost
Maybe write it all down, and then blow it all off
We're all a letter away from per perpetual bliss
Put an F on the B of your bubba bubba bucket list