Friday, April 14, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 4/14/17

Tonight's theme for the 34th batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is "first set of grandkids".  When I try to explain my family, I usually start with two things.  First, I tell folks that it will be much easier to understand if they let me draw a picture/diagram.  Second, I mention that I was an uncle even before I was born.  Put another way, in 1972, the year of *my* birth (and I was a baby of this version of our family, although there would be another child of his that came along seven years later in another iteration of the family), my dad was also getting to experience his first set of grandkids, because his daughter Carol Ann (my oldest half-sister) was bringing her children around (and that would make these photos pictures of my first ever nephews and niece [of what would be many]).

#166:  brothers on a couch -- handwritten 1972 on front of photo (the year I was born!) and "Bobby - 2 1/2 yrs" and "Brent - 10 mos" written on the back
#167:  older boy between slide and bike -- May 72 printed on front of photo (1972 also written on front), and "Bobby" written on back
#168:  smiley boy in back yard of Bethel house -- May 72 printed on front of photo (1972 also written on front), and "Brent" written on back
#169:  new baby pic -- handwritten 1972 on front of photo, and "SueAnn Furnier 6 wks old 1972" written on back
#170:  school photo that says "Bobby, 4th grade, 1974" written on the back ... but is it really him or is it misnamed 'cause I don't think it looks like the other pics of (my nephew-who-is-older-than-I-am) Bobby?