Friday, April 28, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 4/28/17

Tonight's theme for the 35th batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is "(Grandpa) Paul and Puppy Polaroids", because, quite simply, they are all polaroid shots of my dad's dad Paul (my Grandpa) with the new puppy (pretty sure he's named Fluffy) that popped up in the pics last time we focused on all of the pet photos that were mixed into the collection.  There's not much variety and a few were blurry (as many of these in this series have been), but I think they get the point across that these two were pretty inseparable for a time (and also that Grandma apparently liked to take photographs with that big planter in the picture) ...

#171:  grandpa Paul and puppy in a basket on a bike in the fall
#172:  grandpa Paul and puppy in a basket on a bike in the summer
#173:  grandpa Paul holding puppy behind a big planter
#174:  grandpa Paul in a jacket holding puppy in front of a big planter
#175:  grandpa Paul sans jacket holding puppy in front of a big planter