Saturday, March 18, 2017

Random Soapbox for Saturday 3/18/17

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

... I will ... because all throughout the Lenten season, I'm going to rave instead of rant ...

[note:  I know you're likely not reading this until long after Lent, but thanks to the power of post-dating on the blog, I'm going to slip this in to the spot where I had originally intended it to be ...]

We've got MORE good news (in addition to the good news shared in the Mar 11 '17 post)!

It turns out the mango tree in the back yard is super super happy to see spring, based on all the flowering go on as seen in this photo.  Lucky for me, I'm not pollen-sensitive (as I'm guessing all of those tree branch endings would drive an allergy-sufferer all but crazy) ... but with the avocado tree in the back corner of the yard particularly fallow, all our hopes are placed in this seasonal mango flowering.

Here's to many many mangoes in our future!

[editor's note:  despite the bounty that seemed promised by this photo, in the end, and thanks to the fact that we are sharing this long after the actual recorded date of this post, there were only TWO (!) mangoes that have survived/are surviving, and they are featured in the picture below {which will accompany this post as opposed to the customary companion links in triplicate}]