Friday, March 17, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 3/17/17

Tonight's theme for the 32nd batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is "misc late 60's/early 70's".  This set continues the presentation of the newer photos of color ... and we've started with the ones that are specifically time-stamped.  That being said, this batch is a bit of a mix-match, hence the "misc" title ... although at least many of them have additional writing on them.  Of course, family members are more than welcome to fill in any blanks ...

#156:  my oldest (half)sister -- aka my dad's first daughter Carol Ann -- in 1965 (according to the writing)
#157:  this has to be my aunt Evelyn's son Michael S (aka my first cousin since Evelyn was my dad's sister), and the date on the back says Oct '66
#158:  my dad's parents Esther and Paul (my paternal grandparents) and a mystery couple standing in front of, as it says on the back, "the site of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, PA 1968")
#159:  someone named Kitty, according to the writing on the back, which says:  "Kitty, Oct 1971, Ft Clark, Texas"
#160:  a postcard from someone named "tommy", who was apparently on a trip to Wales and sent a card to my dad's parent Esther and Paul (my paternal grandparents) about how he was in the town "where his father was born"