Sunday, March 5, 2017

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 3/5/17

What southern Florida is talking about this week:

... the opening of the annual legislative session (which, in Florida, only lasts an unbelievably short two months -- except/unless there are special sessions, of course).

As for what to expect in 2017 -- we've got medical marijuana now, except we have to wait for the state to set up all the rules for how it will be administered ... and, in the first session since the Orlando Pulse massacre, we've got attempts to expand gun open-carry laws and to reduce the ease with which some guns be purchased (I'll let you guess which party is sponsoring which bill) ... and there is a "follow the money trail" situation evolving over the attempted purchase of land from "BIG Sugar" (which spends "BIG bucks" to influence "BIG politicians") all to help address concerns about the long term health of the 'Glades.

And those are just the top three ... added to the mix is an attempt to clarify how to administer the death penalty in our state (it's been declared unconstitutional a few times), how to let the Native Americans continue to run most (but not all) of the gambling, how to handle modern disruptors like Uber and airbnb, etc. etc.

Of course, it is the Florida state legislature though ... so it's also fair to say that not much of anything might get done ... time will tell ...