Friday, March 3, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 3/3/17

Tonight's theme for the 31st batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is "Aye Chihuahua".  Now that so many of the photos of color have been sorted by date (the second phase of this project), I also realized that there are a heck of a lot of pics of dogs through the years -- so I decided I'm going to have to alternate every other one of these posts for a bit (so once a month) and dedicate batches to them.  Warning:  there may not always be as much variety as this week ...  and if you are friends with Casanova and Ozzie, you may have seen one or two of these already.  Also note:  I've been previously informed that Uncle Carl was the one fond of the chihuahuas.

#151:  Grandma and tiny chihuahua on the front porch (and look at that old icebox in the background)
#152:  tiny chihuahua on the front porch guarding the door
#153:  chubby chihuahua (could it be the same one years later) in the living room
#154:  same chubby chihuahua on Grandpa's lap (and look at those bobble heads in the background)
#155:  random blurry beagle looking dog waiting to get in somewhere