Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Random TNT for Tuesday 2/7/17

TNT ... Chicago 6

1  The problem with New Year's Eve get-togethers is that everyone is focused on the countdown.  2  And everyone knew that, wherever two or more were gathered, J preferred the focus to be on him.  3  Which is why, unless he was the one hosting the shindig and leading the recitation of the descending numbers signifying the final seconds of the year ending, J would just as rather stay home for that party night.

4  When Marta first texted him about the event her friend was having, he responded with a conditional statement that he *might* be able to make it unless something else came up.  5  He hadn't actually decided to attend until he found out his new boss Michelle was going to be there, and then the need to make an appearance for the sake of furthering his career took precedent over the disappointment of knowing that he wasn't going to be the center of attention.

6  His itinerary for the evening decided, he confirmed with Marta that he would indeed be stopping by and he inquired about the address.  7 Then he was off to the store at the last minute to pick up a new New Year's Eve shirt to wear, and to get a few more bottles of alcohol for the pre-gaming that would happen at his apartment.

8  It was a simple plan -- get buzzed, stop by the party, compliment his supervisor and wish her the happiest of new years and then duck out to head to his favorite bar so he could flirt with his favorite bartender.  

9  In, out and done with it -- practically before it even started.

10  It never crossed his mind that Marta was secretly trying to set up some reconciliation between him and Zar.  11 After all, that was the past ... and New Year's was about the future ... and Zar played absolutely no role in his future -- Zar's decision, not his.

12  Almost a whole year had passed since they had last spoken, and a lot can be forgotten in a year's time, especially with a steady supply of alcohol to deaden the brain cells.  13  If pressed, J knew that he wouldn't even be able to articulate the details of the falling-out.  14  He would just be able to say it was a misunderstanding over some drunken fun that should never have been construed as mean-spirited.  

15  Upon arrival, just a short time before the crowd would start counting down, J scanned the room to zero in on his designated target.  16  He located her in a group of revellers who were intently watching a game of what he first though was beer pong, until he saw that the plastic cups were much much smaller.

17  He worked his way through the throng, and actually made eye contact with Michelle.  18  It was the wave at her that also brought attention to him from the players of the game.  19  He didn't know the couple at the one end of the table, but he instantly recognized Marta at the other.  20  When he saw that her partner was none other than Zar, he laughed out loud.

21  That reaction was apparently all that was needed to light the fuse of Zar's temper.  22  Weeks later, he'd stumble on a recording of what happened next on someone's social media, but even then watching it frame by frame didn't show exactly how Zar managed to throw every plastic ping pong ball and every tiny plastic cup lined up at that end of the table right at him seemingly at the exact same moment.  23  Luckily, they had been losing the game, so the majority of the cups were empty, but the few that weren't meant that he was instantly doused in a cheap cinnamon schnapps.  24  He knew right away that it clashed with his cologne.

26  Telling as it was, J's thoughts weren't on his ruined friendship -- they were instead on his ruined shirt. 26  Being in a stranger's house, he didn't quite know where to turn, and he ended up in a room next to a bed piled high with coats.

27  "Damn it!" he said aloud.  28  "This was the *first* time I wore this ..."  29  He found a mirror to use to get a sense of the extent of the damage.  30  As was always the case, his reflection served to calm him down, for his reflection was his one and only true friend who knew ALL of his secrets.