Monday, February 20, 2017

Random Memorial for Monday 2/20/17

Gone but not forgotten:  this item in the trash can -- which is the latest in the ongoing series about cassettes I'm discarding seeing as how I also have the CD in the collection ... and, true to form since the beginning of the year, this whole series is currently being Reba-fied.

We're up to what the wiki calls the best selling album of Reba's career:  Greatest Hits Vol 2 ... and the tune I'm choosing to feature includes these uplifting and inspirational lyrics:

Walk on
Walk on
Nothing ever stays wrong that long
Walk on
Oh walk on
Don't just stand there in the storm
Walk toward the light till you find the sun
And you'll be better off in the long run

Upbeat reminder (at least on this cassette) to keep on walking "till you find the sun", you will be missed.