Friday, February 24, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 2/24/17

Almost twenty years ago (as you can see from the old days of cameras with film, the date stamp was turned on for this one and it was apparently a fall excursion), it was just me and the goats hanging out in the back yard.

Except it wasn't *my* back yard.  And I wasn't at this place alone.

So here's the thing ... since there are about seven photos that will be in this series (which means it will play out over fourteen weeks as the 1997 flashbacks are every *other* week since they share this space with the photos I inherited from my bio-dad), I'm not going to say where or what was going on just yet.

Some of you might be able to figure it out as we go along (especially by the time we get to the middle of the set) ... or maybe someone recognizes these goats right now.  Regardless, you all should recognize the booted cutie standing next to them ('cause it's me [circa 1997]).