Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 13

Hello friends and family!  This is Ilion!

By my reckoning, it is the end of February in 2017 for you all, and so I want to pause to fondly recall how I was *first* contacted by the electronic remnants of my future self on Leap Year Day of 2016.  On that day, when I saw a status update on my Facebook feed that I didn't author ... and on the subsequent last days of the months when they continued ... I could never have predicted that I would eventually be able to download an app to my phone that would permit me to take advantage of the portal to actually step into 2084.

Indeed, it is 2084 for me.  Although the months are passing by for you, due to the fact that I am restricted in the number of characters I can send during the end-of-month updates of the VitalNet, I have to communicate to you about my time in small pieces.

As I shared last month, I am currently ("currently" as in 2084) in the Florida Isles in a refugee camp filled with IntransiGents planning the Fourth Uprising (as the Florida Isles are NOT a part of East America and are owned by the Chapo-Escobar Cartel).

I am awaiting papers that will fool the Population Control Board and will get me entry into Old Orleans (a less regulated outpost on the Bay of Mississippi near what would have been Tuscaloosa, Alabama in my time -- it seems a *lot* of land was lost to the rising waters over the years).  By the way, the PCB is a joint agency run by the As and the Is (as you may recall, those are the political parties that replaced the Republicans and Democrats -- and they are composed of competing groups of those who use Android products from Google and Iproducts from Apple).  As I have come to learn, the PCB has *tremendous* power in 2084.

I have also learned so many things in the few days since I arrived via the portal, including how that organization was created once procreation became passe after virtual reality programs replaced the need for individuals to copulate to populate.  The PCB was formed to ensure that there would be future generations of our people once folks stopped fornicating with each other, but only in numbers in the amounts suggested by the actuarial arm of the agency, for the sake of the dwindling resources on the planet.

I have SO much more to share about the PCB's early years ... and the Noble Purpose campaign with the educators ... and the dreaded Fuscia Slips they issued, and so you can expect to find out more in the missive I send on the last day of the month next.

Until then, I remain Ilion in 2084 (the name given to me so as to minimize confusion now that I've taken advantage of  "astral projection with a corporeal element" and exist in both eras), still hosted and brought to the future by t1a7n72.lif., and still communicating with you through the use of Troy in 2017's social media accounts.