Saturday, January 7, 2017

Random Soapbox for Saturday 1/7/17

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

... I turned 45 today and I had to deal with the fact that half of my life is now almost definitely over.

Admittedly, there's a chance that I'll make it to the triple digits and get a shout out from Willard Scott on the Today show (is he still alive?  do they still do that?).  After all, I've pretty much a diet of Guinness and bacon ... and Guinness has restorative powers and bacon has niacin, which helps people live longer.

But my birthday is now linked to my bio-dad's death day (four years ago just a few days before my celebration), so I am keenly aware that he didn't quite make it to 90 -- hence the math today that led to my conclusion.

Don't worry -- I have no plans to deal with the likely passing of my mid-life with the traditional crisis.  I'm NOT going to get a toupee.  Instead, I'll continue to get a haircut every two weeks to trick myself into thinking that I *choose* to keep it this short and that I'm not going balder.  And I'm NOT going to trade in the Chevy Cruze for some fancy automobile.  After all, I have previously admitted that when I see a guy in a fancy car, I assume that they were running short when he was in the appendage line before birth and so he must compensate.

What I AM going to do though now that it's all downhill from here?  Live, love, laugh and be happy.  Sure it's a cliche ... but that doesn't make it any less sound advice for advancing into those golden years.  Here's to the next 45 (and here's hoping I get to share them with all of you).