Friday, January 6, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 1/6/17

Tonight's theme for the 27th batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is "color photo kick off".  It's been a week of change over at the old blog, but one thing NOT changing is that, on every other Friday, I'll be sharing five more photos.  The difference for 2017, though, is that we've finally made it through the black and white pics, and now we're in the fancy modern color ones.  Since it's a reset of sorts, I figured it made sense to start with a reminder of the main cast that will be featured.  To whit ...

#131:  group shot (from the early 80's I think) of my father (third from the left) with his parents and his brothers and sisters:  Grandpa Paul, Uncle Junior, my dad, Aunt Evelyn, Uncle Fred, Uncle Jimmy -- Aunt Maryann and Grandma Esther in front row -- and Uncle Carl (and puppy!) seated 
#132:  group shot (stamped Oct 71) of back row Uncle Fred, Uncle Junior, Aunt Maryann, Uncle Jimmy and front row my dad, Grandpa Paul, Grandma Esther and Aunt Evelyn (Uncle Carl is not pictured)
#133:  group shot (likely the 90's or 00's) of Aunt Maryann, Aunt Evelyn, Uncle Fred, Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Junior and my dad (my Uncle Carl and my grandparents had passed by this time)
#134:  my dad's mom Esther (my grandma) and HER sisters at a family reunion ... I'll have to dig out the family history book for all of their names
#135:  my dad's mom Esther (my grandma) and her sisters AND their spouses (also at a family reunion I'm sure) -- my grandma is in the brown dress