Saturday, January 14, 2017

Random Soapbox for Saturday 1/14/17

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

... I sense a government conspiracy.

And no ... don't worry ... this isn't yet another complaint about "president"elect Trump (there will be plenty of time for that).  Instead, it's a little more personal ... and a lot more local.

*This* notice was attached to the door this week at ye new olde homestead -- an official "warning" that we were violating the established rules and regulations for bulk waste (that time once a month when a Ft. Lauderdalian can put just about anything on the curb for a giant backhoe to come along and consume with the help of a fleet of dump trucks) because the pile of dead branches out on the curb was in place a week early.

Here's the kicker.  I know damn well when the official bulk trash day is.  I have to know, because one of the puppies (Ozzie) has anxiety and is not fond of all the extra noise pollution that this service creates.

I also know damn well that no one in this household created that pile of dead branches.  They were put there by the crew that was out to fix the street light, which had been out for about half a month because the neighbors on the plot to our east (for whom we thank for the bright and beautiful bougainvillea that spill over into the back corner of the yard) hired landscapers who trimmed their bushes AND sliced the power line that fed those lights.  On the day that the street light crew did their work, they made a nice neat pile of branches that they had cut from trees on this property that were apparently in the way.

Which means the city created the violation ... and then had the nerve to come warn me that there was a violation that THEY created.  Note that the "warning" also said that action must be taken within 48 hours to avoid further action (i.e. fines).  I recognize that it might not be quite the racket that those possibly illegal red light cameras are, but still ... it's a quick and dirty way to get some cash for the city coffers.

[Update:  to beat the system, I just went out and moved the pile off the curb and over the hedges directly into the front yard until I could feed the branches into the trash cans twice a week.  There's apparently no penalty for a pile of branches in your front yard -- just so long as it's not on your curb!]

Shame shame city of Ft Lauderdale!  Maybe introduce your right hand to your left and stop setting up your citizens!!