Tuesday, January 31, 2017

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 12

Hello friends and family!

As I understand it, this message should reach you on the last day of the month of January of 2017 -- which is similar timing with regards to all the other notices that were appearing on my Facebook page for about a year before I got that text message instructing me to download the app that allowed me to step through the portal into 2084 on New Year's Eve.

My contact here, who is actually what's left of me -- or more accurately stated:  my contact here is WHAT is what's left of me, as I exist in 2084 as a collection of EQ, IQ and SQ files.  Prior to my arrival, I had a good sense of EQ and IQ, but the SQ was new to me.  I have come to learn that those initials represent my "soul quotient" -- or the digitilization of the intangible part of me.  Combined with my knowledge (IQ) and emotions (EQ), it is like I will be living forever -- assuming, of course, that my files do not get corrupted.

In another surprising development, I have learned that even though I entered the portal and I find myself in 2084, the Troy that was me back then still lives on in that era (and it is *his* social media to which I am connected in order to send back this communication -- but only on the last day of every month, because we it is then that we take advantage of a glitch in when the vitalnet backup happens, and only in short communiques to avoid being caught).  I have been told that the dual existence of Troys is "astral projection with a corporeal element" and that it is a development from the middle of the 21st century that revolutionized healthcare and disease management.  I am very eager to learn more about how that came to be, as soon as I can settle in.

For now, though, know that time here in 2084 moves more slowly, so although my messages are reaching you on a monthly basis, only days have actually passed since my arrival.  Based on where I was at the time of accessing the portal via the app, I arrived in the Florida Isles, which are a series of islands that are all that is left of that namesake state after the steady rise of the sea.  These islands are actually no longer a part of America ... or East America, seeing as how the USA is divided in two by the Bay of Mississippi.  Luckily, the Chapo-Escobar Cartel, which owns the islands, permits a refugee camp of IntransiGents to live in a beach community as they gather to plan the Fourth Uprising.

To that end, I have been given a new identity -- Ilion -- and I am awaiting word of an attempt to get me across the border.  Here's hoping my next missive to you, expected on the last day of the month next, will be sent from within East America.

Until then, I remain Troy in 2084 (now known as Ilion), hosted and brought to the future by t1a7n72.lif., communicating with you through the use of use of Troy in 2017's account.