Saturday, December 31, 2016

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 11

t1a7n72:  Have you downloaded the app as I requested in my last communication?

Troy:  I did.  I have it on my phone.  But it doesn't seem to do anything.

t1a7n72:  Click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner.

Troy:  I get a menu of sorts.  Letters and numbers but I don't understand them.

t1a7n72:  In your day, it's still just a prototype.  Is there a capital P?

Troy:  There is.

t1a7n72:  You need to find a doorway that faces north.  It MUST face north.  

Troy:  Um.  Okay.  But you'll have to wait a moment.  I have to figure out for sure which way north is.

t1a7n72:  You must hurry.  Our window ends at midnight.

Troy:  One moment.  Okay.  I have it pointed to the doorway.

t1a7n72:  Click on the P and you'll see a light illuminate that doorway.  Walk through it, but be sure to keep a hold of your cellphone the whole time.

Troy:  Walking ...

t1a7n72:  Once you get through the portal, you'll be with me in 2084.

Troy:  Wait, what!?!

t1a7n72:  It's almost midnight.  You must take action.  But make sure you're facing north.

Troy:  How do I know you're not catfishing me?

t1a7n72:  You have less than ten minutes.  I've contacted you multiple times.  It's now or never.  Come join me.  Walk through the portal.

Troy:  Walking ...

t1a7n72:  Welcome to 2084!  We have been waiting for you ...

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 10

t1a7n72:  Testing.  Testing.

Troy:  Who is this?

t1a7n72:  This is a transmission from the Vitalnet.  I am trying to reach Troy.

Troy:  This is Troy.  

t1a7n72:  What sandwich did you share with the red headed girl on the school bus?

Troy:  ???

t1a7n72:  For security reasons, I need to ensure that I'm speaking to the right person.

Troy:  Yeah, this seems a little odd.

t1a7n72:  I recognize I am asking you to trust me.

Troy:  I am *this* close to blocking your contact information.

t1a7n72:  Is this not the last day of the month where you are?  Have you not been seeing my status updates on social media on the last day of every month?

Troy:  Wait a minute ... are you saying that you are ... me ... from the future.  

t1a7n72:  The last message I sent last month ran into some kind of interference.  In researching that problem, I discovered a 'sploit in the buffer overload that will get me access to your mobile text in that same time frame.

Troy:  I don't understand all of that.  But are you telling me that I'm texting with me, except the me with whom I am texting is from seven decades into the future.

t1a7n72:  It would appear that I have been successful.

Troy:  Holy shit.  And liverwurst.

t1a7n72:  Everyone else on the bus moved away from us, but not Margot.

Troy:  Margot.  I had forgotten her name.  But I guess I stopped forgetting in your era.

t1a7n72:  To be fair, I am all of your IQ, EQ and SQ files in one spot.  There is no such thing as "forgetting" in 2084.  There is only the occasional file corruption and data loss.   Luckily, we have multiple back up systems in place to protect these files.

Troy:  This is unreal.

t1a7n72:  I can make it more real, but I am running out of time in this communication.  I need you to download an app called Vitalnet to your phone.  And I need you to be ready on the last day of the month next.  

Troy:  Umm ... okay.

t1a7n72:  I have run out of time.  

Troy:  But wait ... I have so many questions.

t1a7n72:  We will meet again.  This I promise you.

Troy:  I will be ready.

Troy:  Hello.

Troy:  Hello.

Troy:  Until next time ... 

Monday, October 31, 2016

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 9

On the eve of the Fourth Uprising here where I am in 2084, I can't help but think about how it all started back in your time -- knowing that this loophole in the Vitalnet that allows me to communicate with you from the future will reach you in 2016, seeing as how that is when the seeds for the First Uprising were first sown.  'Tis true, back then, America was still one country -- unlike it's current division between East and West America, with the Bay of Mississippi separating them.  And nearly 70 years ago, it was still a two party system entrenched in the historical patterns of the nation's past, instead of being split between the As and the Is (those who are connected to Androids and those who live a life plugged into iProducts).  But the reality is that the IntransiGent movement with which my IQ, EQ and SQ files are currently involved was first founded as an aftermath of that 2016 national election.  Had Americans not voted as they did, the experiences of my life would have been so very different.  It is for this reason that I feel I must share that you must do everything you can to avoid putting this person in power -- [transmission failure from t1a7n72]

Friday, September 30, 2016

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 8

Another message for you on the Facebook from the future ... from me here in the summer of 2084, where I can continue to use the loophole in the Vitalnet that only exists on the last day of every month when the system is updating in order to to communicate with you in the past.  The story I have to tell is a story that will explain how there is still a desire to reunite the country after the most divisive decades in its history.  I've previously explained that East and West America exist in my time because of the geographical changes to our continent after the 2023 New Madrid Quake tore the country in two creating the Bay of Mississippi, but the Americas of my day also have to govern with entrenched political parties that took the aversion to compromise prevalent at the beginning of the century to new heights.  Those parties are no longer the Republicans and the Democrats, as they dissolved in the squabbles over disaster relief the year of the great quake, and government intractability is now due to the disputes that arrive between the As and the Is -- those who live life connecting to Android systems, and the others who only plug into iProducts.  It is the hope of the IntransiGents, who are themselves the hope of my time, to break through that deadlock, but they recognize that they will have to go backwards to go forwards, and they know that there are lessons to be learned from the failure of the most recent Third Uprising in 2048.  Which is why my IQ, EQ and SQ files are so important.  And which is why I can't risk triggering an alert from sending more than a paragraph to you at a time.  Until the next paragraph can be sent on the last day of the month next, I remain the electronic folder where those files are kept ... t1a7n72.lif.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 7

This is a good news, bad news situation.  The good news is that it is still *JULY* here in my time ... which is 2084.  That means not only did I succeed in continuing to access the loophole in the Vitalnet that allows me to communicate with the past on the last day of your months, but I also figured out how to send longer messages.  The bad news is that I am still not able to send the entirety of those missives without alerting my e-asylum keepers that I am taking advantage of this loophole.  That means that even though I've managed to "freeze" time where I am, it is still advancing where you, the reader, are.  That also means that I'll have to continue to prioritize that which I am sharing with you, and that it may take me longer to explain the decades of history you've yet to experience.  "One upgrade forward, two bugs back" as we say in my day.  But all the same, it is progress of some sort, which isn't easy to come by in the world in which I now exist (a software system housing my IQ, EQ and SQ files).  Until the next part of my communique reaches you, I remain aware of where it is from which we've come ... and where it is we just might go, as chatter about the Fourth Uprising increases, and as I remain t1a7n72.lif.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 6

There are rumors of a Fourth Uprising here in my time ... which is 2084.  (As you might recall, I am taking advantage of a loophole in the Vitalnet that allows me to communicate with the past, but only on the last day of every month during a routine system upgrade of the software in which my IQ, EQ and SQ files have been uploaded.)  Those rumors are precisely why I have been secured in this electronic asylum seeing as how I met my corporeal demise participating in the *Third* Uprising.  Being a martyr of the party that attempted the forcible unification of East America and West America upon President Chelsea Clinton's assassination in 2048 has meant that the information locked away in my Qfiles has become too valuable for the current East America regime to allow it to be readily accessible.  I am taking a great risk in conducing this outreach, and can only do so in bits and bytes ... but it is my hope that in so doing, I might find some way to reach those that will one day go on to lead the IntransiGents.  Currently, I am fully exploring the limitations of this channel in hopes that I might be able to better control my communiques.  I should know more by the last day of your month next ... For now, I remain: t1a7n72.lif.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 5

Let's get right to it.  I have been promising the history of Texas in multiple missives since I first learned of the portal loophole in the Vitalnet whereby I can communicate with you from the year 2084 via Facebook status update.  Of course, what is "history" for me hasn't yet happened for you back in 2016.  Know this -- Texas no longer exists -- but it did take several stages to get there.  First, it did succeed in seceding in the confusion after the New Madrid Quake of 2023. But with America involved in its own trouble splitting between East and West with the new dividing line drawn by nature, it ended up aligning with Mexico economically for about a decade.  This tore the state formerly known as Texas in two, and a civil war between the North and South ensued.  After much death and destruction (it turns out that there were a LOT of guns there), a straight line was drawn across from El Paso all the way through what was left of  Louisiana to the expanded Bay of Mississippi, which put Dallas in what was now called South Oklahoma.  The southern part of Texas was heavily affected by the rising waters -- the same ones that made New Orleans into New Atlantis, flooded Houston forever and put San Antonio and Austin directly on the Gulf.  Finally, the southern part of Texas was annexed into the Chapo-Escobar Archipelago (lands that were once Mexico on down south to Colombia).  Ironically, one of the first things that government did was build a wall between their lands and the new South Oklahoma.  And *that's* a lot of information to absorb ... so I leave you until the last day of the month next ... signing off until then:  t1a7n72.lif.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 4

Hello again from 2084.  As you may recall, I am able to take advantage of a loophole in the Vitalnet that opened up a portal to the past via the status update feature of Facebook only available on the last day of the month (as discovered recently on Leap Year Day).  In my last message, I had started to explain the current structure of East and West America (split in half by the 2023 New Madrid Quake), but I hadn't yet explained the border changes to the north and south.  For instance, the section you called "New England" in your time was sold off to Quebec when it broke away from Canada and was looking to expand and the government needed money to repair the infrastructure after the quake.  That led to the northernmost border of Pennsylvania then becoming what all referred to as le maçon-dixon ligne.  Of course, some of what you would have called northeastern PA is under water as the Great Lakes overflowed and merged into one (now known as Lake SuMiHuEO).  That is the same long discussed climatological event that led to the creation of the Florida Isles as was mentioned last time -- and it's also how we lost the entirety of Michigan.  Then there's the southern border ... but once again, I find myself out of time.  I dare not risk an update that would highlight what I have uncovered, so I will have to hold off on the fate of the great state of Texas until the last day of the month next.  As always ... I remain ... t1a7n72.lif.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 3

Assuming the loophole in the Vitalnet that opened up a portal to the past via the status update feature of Facebook only available on the last day of the month remains open (as discovered on Leap Year Day 2084), I reach out to you again from the future.  I recognize that my monthly missives providing insight into what happened in the years between your present and my present some 68 years later may result in one of my connections taking action to affect the timeline, but I feel compelled to reach out all the same.  Admittedly, some events are out of the hands of anyone reading my communications.  For instance, I suspect there is nothing that you can do (except maybe reduce the amount of fracking) to prevent the 2023 New Madrid Quake that tore the continental United States in half -- which was the triggering event for what eventually became the split between East America and West America, as they were then and are now substantially separated by the expanded Bay of Mississippi.  That year was downright apocalyptic what with losing most of the populated California coast to the other earthquake -- the Big One on the San Andreas Faultline -- in the same fall.  Of course, the coastline is nothing like it was back then, especially with the Florida Isles (what was left of that once great state after the sea level rise) being sold to the Chapo-Escobar Cartel (who currently own all of the land once known as Central America after Mexico and Colombia fought their Guerra de Drogas and united the territory as one).  There is so much to explain and so little time.  I am noting my files to be sure to discuss what happened to what you know as Texas ... and New England ... and the Great Lakes ... and to explain their fates when we speak again ... loophole willing ... on the last day of May of your year 2016.   Until then ... I remain ... t1a7n72.lif.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 2

I believe that this will prove my theory to be right.  On Leap Day last, I was able to take advantage of a loophole in the software at the asylum in which my zip file is stored in order to send a message from the future to the year 2016 via the Facebook.  I predicted that that same portal would be open on the last day of every month thereafter, and today, March 31 of 2084, is my first opportunity to test that supposition.  I feel confident that you can see this status update ... confident enough to disclose that although my body was incinerated after falling during the Third Uprising brought about by the assassination of President Chelsea Clinton in 2048, as is customary in our time, my IQ, EQ and SQ files were uploaded and maintained in the VitalNet for access to all.  Due to the fact that my profile was commandeered to be used by the IntransiGents, and that they were then driven to adopt Chthonian tactics, I have been locked behind the asylum firewall serving little use to those preparing for the fourth round of battles ... until now.  That being said, the window of time I have to share this important information is severely limited ... and I recognize that I have possibly gotten ahead of myself with references that you might not understand.  I promised to explain more next time ... on the last day of the month next.  Until then ... I remain ... t1a7n72.lif.

Monday, February 29, 2016

2 0 8 4: T h e B e g i n n i n g

If you can read this, then I have successfully taken advantage of the glitch in the asylum's software. It is Feb 29 2084 as I compose this note, and I believe that it will hit your social media feed on Leap Day of a different year (possibly 2016). To those of you calculating my age, I am indeed officially 112 years old -- but I am no longer in my body as it gave out long ago. My consciousness and my memories are on a device similar to what you would refer to in your time as a "zip drive", but that is being kept under lock and key as I am incarcerated in MY time for not conforming to the current societal structure. Now that I have discovered this loophole, it is my intent to smuggle out information about the future whenever I can. If I am correct about the way that I can manipulate this malfunction, at a minimum, I should be able to do so on the last day of every month. As for now, I don't want to trigger any sensors, so I can't say more this evening ... but I look forward to communicating with you from the future in the months ahead.