Saturday, April 30, 2016

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 3

Assuming the loophole in the Vitalnet that opened up a portal to the past via the status update feature of Facebook only available on the last day of the month remains open (as discovered on Leap Year Day 2084), I reach out to you again from the future.  I recognize that my monthly missives providing insight into what happened in the years between your present and my present some 68 years later may result in one of my connections taking action to affect the timeline, but I feel compelled to reach out all the same.  Admittedly, some events are out of the hands of anyone reading my communications.  For instance, I suspect there is nothing that you can do (except maybe reduce the amount of fracking) to prevent the 2023 New Madrid Quake that tore the continental United States in half -- which was the triggering event for what eventually became the split between East America and West America, as they were then and are now substantially separated by the expanded Bay of Mississippi.  That year was downright apocalyptic what with losing most of the populated California coast to the other earthquake -- the Big One on the San Andreas Faultline -- in the same fall.  Of course, the coastline is nothing like it was back then, especially with the Florida Isles (what was left of that once great state after the sea level rise) being sold to the Chapo-Escobar Cartel (who currently own all of the land once known as Central America after Mexico and Colombia fought their Guerra de Drogas and united the territory as one).  There is so much to explain and so little time.  I am noting my files to be sure to discuss what happened to what you know as Texas ... and New England ... and the Great Lakes ... and to explain their fates when we speak again ... loophole willing ... on the last day of May of your year 2016.   Until then ... I remain ... t1a7n72.lif.