Wednesday, November 30, 2016

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 10

t1a7n72:  Testing.  Testing.

Troy:  Who is this?

t1a7n72:  This is a transmission from the Vitalnet.  I am trying to reach Troy.

Troy:  This is Troy.  

t1a7n72:  What sandwich did you share with the red headed girl on the school bus?

Troy:  ???

t1a7n72:  For security reasons, I need to ensure that I'm speaking to the right person.

Troy:  Yeah, this seems a little odd.

t1a7n72:  I recognize I am asking you to trust me.

Troy:  I am *this* close to blocking your contact information.

t1a7n72:  Is this not the last day of the month where you are?  Have you not been seeing my status updates on social media on the last day of every month?

Troy:  Wait a minute ... are you saying that you are ... me ... from the future.  

t1a7n72:  The last message I sent last month ran into some kind of interference.  In researching that problem, I discovered a 'sploit in the buffer overload that will get me access to your mobile text in that same time frame.

Troy:  I don't understand all of that.  But are you telling me that I'm texting with me, except the me with whom I am texting is from seven decades into the future.

t1a7n72:  It would appear that I have been successful.

Troy:  Holy shit.  And liverwurst.

t1a7n72:  Everyone else on the bus moved away from us, but not Margot.

Troy:  Margot.  I had forgotten her name.  But I guess I stopped forgetting in your era.

t1a7n72:  To be fair, I am all of your IQ, EQ and SQ files in one spot.  There is no such thing as "forgetting" in 2084.  There is only the occasional file corruption and data loss.   Luckily, we have multiple back up systems in place to protect these files.

Troy:  This is unreal.

t1a7n72:  I can make it more real, but I am running out of time in this communication.  I need you to download an app called Vitalnet to your phone.  And I need you to be ready on the last day of the month next.  

Troy:  Umm ... okay.

t1a7n72:  I have run out of time.  

Troy:  But wait ... I have so many questions.

t1a7n72:  We will meet again.  This I promise you.

Troy:  I will be ready.

Troy:  Hello.

Troy:  Hello.

Troy:  Until next time ...