Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 3/13/19

10 years and counting ... the top 10 most viewed posts ... 

Used in a sentence:  'In celebration of the reality that 2019 marks the fact that I've been micro-blogging for (at least) 10 years and counting ... let's take a look at the top 10 most viewed posts ... (of any of my blogs combined)."

My most popular post of all time (to date) also  originally appeared in my end-of-the-world series I was doing in anticipation of the Mayan Apocalypse that was "happening" on 12.21.12  (which means that 7 out of 10 of them came from that particular countdown).  The actual item speaks to my career (my long time employer as of 2004) and my boss as of the posting (in Nov 2012, although that changed a bunch of times since then as said employer tends to reorganize on the regular).  As per my rule when it comes to posting, on the blog I only refer to real people the way that Edgar Allen Poe did with just a first name and a last initial AND I never even mention my employer .. yet somehow this #22 post saw the most views ever.  Here it is as it appeared earlier this decade:

100 Things I've Always Wanted To Say But Never Did And Now Maybe Should Since The World Might Be Ending -->

Thing 22:

File this under under "look ma, I went and got myself a career" ... but if the world is ending in 22 days, I should probably stop and thank those who have shaped my work life once I became an adult.  Throughout this series, I've been calling out those direct supervisors of mine with whom I've spent the most time over the course of my career as "company man" since early 2004, and tonight I thank the one who was my boss for most of the last two years.  Becki K guided me (and the special team I'm on that was created as part of our restructuring) through the joys (and challenges) of working from home (biggest joy -- I can do more for more people just through the power of the laptop and many many many web-based systems ... biggest challenge -- I am tempted to graze all day and have added double digit poundage now that my snacking habits have combined with a sedentary work day in front of said laptop).  She's one of those people for whom it is a pleasure to work because she has the skill to evaluate your strengths and to feed you projects that make you more successful because they match your talents ... while still finding ways to challenge you.  I've always been lucky in this job to have bosses who were also great people -- and I'm glad she continued that trend.  As of late, she's now my grand-boss (not to imply a generational divide, but to communicate the fact that she was recently promoted and went up a level), but at least I still get to interact with her from time to time.  Thanks Becki!