Friday, March 1, 2019

JUST ONE MORE ... joke (so as to laugh more) [March 2019]

JUST ONE MORE ... joke (so as to laugh more).

Surely you've heard by now -- it's the "special year of more" for all of 2019 ('cause I said so ... and 'cause I'm the one who created this concept to
 try to find a way to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks [or just me] to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach, and apathy often seems to be running rampant!)

And if you are "in the know" about *that*, then you are probably also "in the know" about *this*:  the "year of more" is being split up into quarters for laughing more, loving more, living more and being happy more.

So far we've focused on cartoons and limericks ... which means good old fashioned two line jokes are up for the month of March, so that you can put a temporary pause
 on all the outside noise and the anxiety it can cause in order to seek out something humorous -- something comical -- something that will tickle your funny bone and cause you to (at least momentarily) get lost in the sound of your own laughter. 

Admittedly, that which YOU find funny might just be different than that which someone else does, but don't let that stop you from seeking out a little something something to make you smile.  I'll kick things off with this one that made me chuckle:  "A Roman legionnaire walks into a bar, holds up two fingers, and says 'Five beers, please!'"  Plus -- as always -- I'll use the social media to provide weekly reminders to try to inspire you to find
 ... just one more ... joke (so as to laugh more).