Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 2/27/19

10 years and counting ... the top 10 most viewed posts ... 

Used in a sentence:  'In celebration of the reality that 2019 marks the fact that I've been micro-blogging for (at least) 10 years and counting ... let's take a look at the top 10 most viewed posts ... (of any of my blogs combined)."

My 3rd most popular post of all time (to date) originally appeared in my end-of-the-world series I was doing in anticipation of the Mayan Apocalypse that was "happening" on 12.21.12  (as have most of the entries in *this* particular countdown).  The actual item is one of just a few from that collection that weren't all "sunshine and light", and was me getting off my chest how I really felt about a certain person from my past that ruled over a darker time in my life.  Maybe she was the one who clicked through and read it time and time again?  Or maybe it was one of her lawyers to see if anything I said was actionable?  Regardless -- it's taking the #3 spot and so it continues to live on ...

100 Things I've Always Wanted To Say But Never Did And Now Maybe Should Since The World Might Be Ending -->

Thing 25:

File this under "I was going to try to wait and outlive you and urinate on your grave" (hey -- it's not all sunshine and light when the world is ending in just 25 days (allegedly)) ... but to she whom I've referred to sometimes as my bio-dad's fourth wife or sometimes as the step-creature, I just want it to be known that I am happy with who I am and content with who I have become IN SPITE OF the way you chose to "raise" your boyfriend/husband's kids not BECAUSE of it.  To any attempts to imply that I might not have gotten to college had I not runaway from home in high school, or that the stubborn streak that has served me (mostly) well in my life wouldn't have developed otherwise had I not taken you on as an opponent in my formative years (PS -- my genetic DNA is apparently partly Prussian, so that character trait was there all along) or that the strict we-shall-not-show-love-or-affection-in-this-household beyond making sure that only the most basic of your Maslow needs were met was somehow an intentional well-meaning choice to prepare me for a cold cruel world -- I reject them all.  All that is and was positive in my life is because so many others have gone out of their way to fill in the child-raising blanks of my youth and because good always triumphs over evil (and sure, maybe the "evil" comes from the metal plate that they put in your head after your car accident when I was young -- who knows from whence it came ...)!  As a matter of fact, the only thing for which I will thank you is the statement you said that set me free nine months prior to my 18th birthday (which is when the government would have allowed me to go) -- "I should have seen to it long ago that you were dead."  That touch of crazy was the key to my freedom.  So for that -- I give you thanks -- but for absolutely nothing else.