Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 2/13/19

10 years and counting ... the top 10 most viewed posts ... 

Used in a sentence:  'In celebration of the reality that 2019 marks the fact that I've been micro-blogging for (at least) 10 years and counting ... let's take a look at the top 10 most viewed posts ... (of any of my blogs combined)."

My 5th most popular post of all time (to date) also comes from the end-of-the-world series I was doing in anticipation of the Mayan Apocalypse that was "happening" on 12.21.12.  (Spoiler alert:  no surprise there, if you've been following along.)  The actual item is me coming out of the closet about how Ronald Reagan was my first.  My first President, that is.  The one about whom I was first aware once I started being aware about such things.  I'm not sure *why* it's so viewed ... maybe folks later in life didn't realize I grew up in conservative central PA?  Regardless -- those darn Genesis puppets will always be in my head.

100 Things I've Always Wanted To Say But Never Did And Now Maybe Should Since The World Might Be Ending -->

Thing 88:

File this under a desire to just go on the record about something ... but I like Ronald Reagan and always have.  After all, you never forget your first, and although I was technically born a few months before Watergate and spent my earliest years unaware of Nixon and Ford and Carter (well I can vaguely recall Carter 'cause my dad's wife of that time had a distant distant relative who was one of the Iranian hostages or something like that) ... it's Ronnie who was the first president about whom I was really aware.  And I know with retrospection, there were some questionable calls now ascribed to him (or to Nancy as he aged -- Contras and ignoring AIDS and all that), but I think it all comes down to being fond of his Great Communicator persona.  Or maybe it was just that puppet of him that Phil Collins had in that video.  Either way, I'm glad I got to relive it all with the recent 100th birthday hoopla before this world ends in 88 days (allegedly).