Monday, February 25, 2019

30for30: Favorite Assignments #4

In just 33 days, the LHS Class of 1989 will celebrate its 30th high school reunion (on Saturday, March 30, 2019 at 7pm in the back room of the infamous Downtown Lounge) ... which is why I've been posting these special TOP 30 lists (see previous lists of Jukebox Memories and Most Memorable Teachers/Staff).

This month ... it's all about the top 30 favorite assignments (see rules below) -- and that means I'm going into the archives and going way way way back to duotang folders in a bin in storage, most of which that have not even been OPENED for the last three decades.

Next up -- a final visit to the MATH folder for round three, although since I focused on the final section in it from Honors Calculus, it may as well be a foreign language at this point in my life.  It's been decades since I thought about (sin)s and (cos)s and integration and differentials -- although I do now recall being appropriately tickled that the work also included (tan)s -- as I shared the abbreviation for "tangents" with that of my own initials (and as I've been known to go off on a few of them on occasion).  I'll also take it as good news that theorem 1.5 about how "parallel lines can only be truly parallel if those lines have identical slopes" still actually makes sense to me.  (I checked to see if there was a theorem about "blurred lines" to assist all of us in the modern era with understanding that concept, but sadly found none.)

RULES FOR THIS TOP 30 LIST:  These are MY favorite assignments.  They may also be YOUR favorite assignments -- but they may not be, especially since it's quite conceivable that you have NO favorite assignments.  My grades, though, were pretty good ... so, you know ... hence this particular countdown.  No negativity or other comments about hoarding will be permitted (after all -- hoarders wouldn't know where [most] of their things are and they wouldn't be so [mostly] organized ... so SHUT YOUR MOUTH about that).  The poster is not responsible for any reappearance of any repressed memories you might have about anything that is included in this series.  Note:  due to the fewer number of days in February, two posts of this kind will show up on Sundays.