Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 1/30/19

10 years and counting ... the top 10 most viewed posts ... 

Used in a sentence:  'In celebration of the reality that 2019 marks the fact that I've been micro-blogging for (at least) 10 years and counting ... let's take a look at the top 10 most viewed posts ... (of any of my blogs combined)."

My 7th most popular post of all time (to date) comes from the end-of-the-world series I was doing in anticipation of the Mayan Apocalypse that was "happening" on 12.21.12.  (Spoiler alert:  it was a super popular series for me, because seven of these ten will come from it.)  The actual item is a shout out to Laura B, with whom I once worked at Gretna Theatre, and about whom I have no updates as to what came next for her life.  Maybe she's the one that keeps on clicking on it and running up the numbers?

100 Things I've Always Wanted To Say But Never Did And Now Maybe Should Since The World Might Be Ending -->

Thing 82:

File this under long overdue thanks ... but Laura B, wherever you might be, I don't want the world to end in 82 days without me expressing gratitude for helping me cope with my job at Gretna Theatre back in the day, particularly during those years of rotating artistic dictators (I mean directors) who threw us all quite a few curve balls in back to back to back seasons in the late 90's.  You and I were the constant in that office during those times, and like the true survivors we are, we came out on the other end of that drama intact (with a few great stories to tell)  Plus, you "got me", when I departed and changed the ticketing software password to "hairplug" to get back at the last smug pretentious couldn't-embrace-his-balding jackass that was in charge as I was taking my leave.  Good times -- and for that, I thank you!