Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 1/2/19

10 years and counting ... 

Used in a sentence (posed as a question):  "Guess who's been micro-blogging for (at least) 10 years and counting ..."

It's me!  It's me!!  I'm the one!!!

First under "capcognition" ... and then rebranded as "sosaysTroy" in 2017 ... the official record reflects that I've been doing my thing on the Facebook and the blogger since 2009. 

Currently, the official "first post" is from November 1, 2009 -- although there's a hidden history of things that came before it on Facebook from before I had the two linked (and there's a slight chance that I'll be able to find those ancient posts some day soon with a little digging in my emails).  To mark the occasion, I'll be celebrating on Wednesdays all year long this thing that's kept me on the right side of sanity for a decade.

To kick off the festivities, here's my official first post ever on the old blog (at least for now), dated Nov 1, 2009:

What Chicago is talking about this week:

In order to escape from the actual news (more shootings ... more deaths ... more omnipresent violence), sometimes you have to push the boundaries of taste for a laugh. Best Halloween costume seen this year (and, fair warning -- it's on the other side of the line) was Drew and Stacey Peterson (Drew in prison garb, accompanied by a blue plastic tub). Most creative bastardization of Halloween tradition -- the outpouring of photo galleries with drunken, vomiting pumpkins! Happy Halloween or Happy Day of the Dead to you and yours ...