Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Random Posting for Penn State 1/1/19

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from this year's Bowl game:

1.)  Housekeeping note:  I really did watch the bowl game on the 1st ... it's just that posting about it has been on my "to-do" pile for the last fortnight.  Luckily, I can back-date it to where it belongs on the blog ... but that might explain why you may be seeing it so late on the Facebook.

2.)  Behind-the-scenes note:  In case you ever wondered how my nuggets are chosen, I jot down comments on an index card during the game and hope that I understand what I meant by them when I finally get to posting (although not all comments get turned in to nuggets).
3.)  Anyways -- at least we got ourselves into a bowl game ... and at least we made it close ... kind of.
4.)  Speaking of which ... if I never hear a "Snell yeah" again, it would be too soon.
5.)  What's maybe NOT too soon?  For our special teams to have even MORE practice than they apparently had all week leading up to this bowl game ...
6.)  Boy they sure do grow those boys in Kentucky tall, don't they?
7.)  Hey announcermen -- if you had done your prep work before the game, you might have learned how to pronounce Amani Oruwariye (hint:  it's UH-monn-E O-rue-waar-eeA).
8.)  Hey announcermen -- from the notes I jotted down during the game, I apparently wanted to say something about you guys saying something along the lines of "let those guys hand fight", so I will (although now I don't remember why).
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be Trace McSORLEY once again ... because it's the last time I can do so ... and because he played through the game even with a poked eye and a damaged foot.  Not necessarily an auspicious ending to a superb career, but and ending all the same.

In closing, thanks to Josiah Viera, who regrettably passed away on Christmas Eve from his genetic disease, but who inspired many Penn State players and fans in his too short life ... and here's to April 13th, the date of the Blue and White game this spring (on the way to our Labor Day 2019 opener against the Idaho Vandals).


