Saturday, December 1, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 12/1/18

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

I will ... because I'm fulfilling the commitment I make each November to rave instead of rant during the season of gratitude.  Now I do know that today is actually the first of *December*, but I'm continuing what I've been doing every Saturday, and using this post to summarize all the daily posts from the week that went up on the Facebook directly.

Rest assured I'll return to my old ranty self next week ... but until then ...

SUNDAY the 25th:    I am thankful for movie marathons as seen from the couch. Sure the popcorn tastes better when someone else makes it, but there's nothing that beats the ability to put what you're watching on pause when you have to pee, and on watching what you want to watch when you want to watch it (especially nowadays with so many ways to access content), and on cuddling up with loved ones (human, canine, feline -- or some combination thereof) to share the experience. For being in control of the activity from title sequence to end credits, I am so thankful.

MONDAY the 26th:   I am thankful for a meditation technique I learned recently -- where you lie there and imagine floating away, focusing on one body part at a time. All the attention goes on the big toe until you feel it floating away, then the toe next to it, then the next ... and etc etc etc. Although fair warning that if you decide to try it, there is a tipping point where you start to feel like a completely dismembered murder victim and that can have the opposite effect from what you originally intended if you're not careful. For floating away to peace and tranquility (most of the time), I am very thankful. 

TUESDAY the 27th:  I am thankful for words ... whether "with friends" or the "cookies" variety. I'm far from a gamer -- my personal video game experience pretty much started and stopped with Rabbit Chaser loaded on to my Commodore VIC-20 computer via a cassette tape (yes, kids, I'm OLD!) -- but I do so enjoy the distraction of these two games on my cell phone. For giving me something to do when I'm waiting in lines, or needing a mental break, or trying to fend off early onset Alzheimer's, I am quite thankful.

WEDNESDAY the 28th:  I am thankful for Cher ... and although it's true I have had a healthy obsession with her since the late 80's, she's really been busy of late. I don't think it's likely I'll see the Broadway show about her life (unless/until that show tours), but I am up to speed on her latest release AND I am ready to see her honored with a Kennedy Center award in a few weeks (ironically during the Trump administration) AND I am tickled to have concert tickets for her show here in the FTL in about seven weeks (not that I'm counting or anything). For being able to maximize my Cher exposure over these next few weeks, I am so thankful.

THURSDAY the 29th:  I am thankful for the heat ... not the heat in the house, because there we're still just making do during this "cold wave" with a few extra blankets and by turning off the overhead fans ... and by occasionally wearing a shirt (something I rarely do down here in the SoFlo) ... plus, we haven't flipped the switch on the thermostat yet. Instead, I mean the heat in the car, which I did blast running an early morning errand to combat the am temps that were only in the high 40s! (PS ... we're supposed to be waking up to the 70s tomorrow, so this "crisis" seems to have almost passed.) For having a way to deal with "emergency" temps that would have triggered an opening of the windows back in Chitown, I am very thankful.

FRIDAY the 30th:  I am thankful for you -- each and every one of you (except for those of you who had to be blocked for bad behavior, but then I guess you really can't see this anyway so I might as well not sully this post with any reference to you [plural]). Lookit, social media like the Facebook has 99 problems BUT being able to be a a part of your e-world ain't one. I may not be the kind to make comments or use the emoji buttons all too often, but that doesn't mean that I don't like to see your musings, or your pet pics, or your family photos, or your Christmas trees, or your requests for prayers, or your memes, or your political posts (so long as yours mostly agree with mine [wink, wink]) etc etc etc. For YOU and YOU and YOU and YOU ... this time of year and beyond ... I am the most thankful.