Sunday, December 23, 2018

30for30: Most Memorable Teachers/Staff #9

In just 98 days, the LHS Class of 1989 will celebrate its 30th high school reunion (on Saturday, March 30, 2019 at 7pm in the back room of the infamous Downtown Lounge) ... and to get us excited about that milestone, I'll be presenting four special TOP 30 lists -- a different one for each of the months ahead.

The December list will be the top 30 most memorable teachers/staff (see rules below), and tonight, we're remembering (the late?) German teacher 
außergewöhnlich LARRY HECK (seen here in what seems like a paparazzi photo that was his official yearbook pic, bonus link below to what seems to be his daughter's engagement announcement that makes me think he has indeed passed despite not being able to find an obituary online). 

Back in the 80's when foreign languages were the classics and not "Java" or "Mandarin" or "no longer a requirement", high school kids had to choose between German, French, Spanish or Latin.  And those of us who chose German got to experience the (occasionally dark) humor of Mr. Heck.

And, on a personal note, it makes absolute and complete sense that he makes a top 10 list that I'm coordinating because he was my teacher in 10th grade ... and in 11th grade ... and in 12th grade ... as I was one of those amateur linguists who took German all four years of high school (on my way to what would eventually be one of my triple majors in college).  There was even a little tutoring room with a window into his office that he let me use as my one of my own spaces to hang out once I started making my own rules about my own schedule.

Here's to you, Mr. Heck!

RULES FOR THIS TOP 30 LIST:  Honorees must be one of the ninety individuals listed in the faculty pages of the '89 yearbook (which means two thirds of the list are already not going to be referenced).  Honorees may also be selected from the photos of support staff as well (so long as they are on the surrounding pages of the same section).  Honorees must be memorable (if there are no stories, then there will be no post about that person).  Honorees are chosen and ranked by me (if you disagree, start your own list on your own blog).  All memories are believed to be accurate (but are being told through the lens of thirty or more years, so ... you know.)