Saturday, October 13, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 10/13/18

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

Melania.  Am I right?

First off -- some will say that the family of the idiot-in-chief (leading the #ignorantgeneration to occasional wins, but only at the expense of the future) are off-limits, but they are likely the same ones who actively supported all the frequent comparisons made of Michelle O to assorted primates, so ... you know ... I.  Don't.  Care.

Second off -- I was once in the group that was hoping that the First Immigrant would blink three times in an interview to convey whether or not she was being held in the relationship against her will ... and that maybe she too was the victim.  Unfortunately, though, as our national nightmare continues, it appears that she might be in deeper than her husband's mushroom thingy has ever gone.  And yes, this is me trying to #bebest (or to #bethebest, for those for whom English is their first language).

Third off -- to hear her recently interviewed where she expressed concern over immigration in America makes complete sense, what with an increasing chance that wifey #4 might be in that mix, and that she might be replaced by his *next* mistress.  And yes, my use of the word *next* means that I stand with Yvette Nicole Brown.

Fourth off -- there is something to be said for how similar she is to Hillary in that she too is now officially and memorably and forever a cuckquean -- which is officially an obsolete Olde English noun for the female version of a cuckold ... except for how amazingly current it is when it comes to naming the Presidents wives who get to forever be linked to standing by that which their husbands did with their penises.

Fifth off -- and finally -- I am holding out hope that the eventual erstwhile Mrs. Trump ('cause that end result is an all but certain outcome that is bound to happen and would clearly represent her "being best") holds Florence Harding in high regard.  In case you're not up on how everything old is new again when you try to regress to "great" times in history,  Florence was the wife of President Warren Harding, and President Warren Harding was someone for whom the Republican party had to pay $20,000 to the lady with whom he was having an affair (and her husband) as they sent them overseas during the election cycle.  He then campaigned with the slogan "to return America to normalcy" (I sh!t you not), and when he got into office, he didn't care much for the day to day responsibility of governing, he did whatever his advisors told him, he pushed for tax cuts for the rich and he was anti-immigration.  Oh -- and he also had a new mistress that he slept with in every room of the White House.  Which brings me to Florence.  She and Warren eventually travelled to Alaska, and took a train ride down the coast, and "poor" Warren had a heart attack in San Francisco and died in office.  Rumor has it that Florence just might have poisoned him as revenge.

In conclusion, anyone want to join me in a #beFlorence campaign to send bottles of anitfreeze to Ms Melanija Knavs at 1600 Presidential Avenue ... for country and for constitution, of course.