Monday, October 22, 2018

Random Memorial for Monday 10/22/18

Gone but not forgotten:  Popeye.

Warning:  there's just no way around it.  This is a sad one.

Popeye was the local homeless veteran who panhandled at one of the biggest intersections near our house.  Seeing as how my "exercise" routine consists of frequent walks through my 'hood, up to 11 hours a week on six different possible routes, I saw him frequently.  Previously, I didn't know his name ... and I actually don't think we ever made eye contact ... and I'm a total sh!t for that.  I did see him often though, in his wheelchair, pushing himself backwards with the one leg he had left, shaking his fist (and, for a time, a crutch) at cars that drove past him too quickly.  Sometimes, I'd be surprised 'cause he'd be up an alley, next to an abandoned building, catching some z's, just sleeping in his chair in the middle of the day.  I don't recall him working a cardboard sign, but I do think there was an American flag headband ... and maybe a small flag that flew proudly from the corner of his chair.   

Sadly, I now know his name because I stumbled on an article from the local paper that described his death in a late night hit and run in late September.  Since learning of his passing, I now make it a point to look at another homeless guy I see frequently on my walks.  He's often laying on one of the sidewalks nearby, but I'll be damned if I now don't look in his eyes as I pass.  He's suddenly taken to saluting me ... and although I'm not military, maybe my tattoos and my give-zero-f#cks attitude makes him think otherwise, so I committed to doing my best to salute him back.  And maybe, just maybe, #forPopeye,  I'll learn that guy's name *before* I read about his death in the paper.

Popeye, to whom I dedicate the Joan Baez/Kris Kristofferson duet below/to follow*, and in whose name I am making a donation to the Wounded Warrior Project tonight, you will be missed.

*So if you're walking down the street sometime
And spot some hollow ancient eyes
Please don't just pass 'em by and stare
As if you didn't care, say, "Hello in there, hello"