Friday, September 28, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 9/22/18

By now, you likely know how this works -- every other Friday, I look back twenty years to tell the story of what was happening in my life back then.  It's a tale told with two decades worth of reflection ... and it's a tale that changed drastically in September of 1998.

If you are a regular reader, then you saw my post from last Saturday, where I raved about my now twenty year relationship with the man who would become my husband (after the Supremes allowed it, of course).  So it only naturally follows that memories from late September of 1998 would be about the night I met him, which in turn explains this stock photo from the Harrisburg area Karns that accompanies this post.

As *most* of the story goes (I'll exclude anything too too salacious ... for those parts, you'll have to wait for the full autobiography and/or get us drunk enough to start sharing details), I had wrapped a weeknight murder mystery event in Annville -- not one of the fully cast ones, but a special gig on the side where I coordinated a party with a company's own employees as participants -- and I let my car decide when I got to the light at 934 and 422 which way it would turn.  If it turned left that night, I'd head back east to my home ... and if right, I'd head into Harrisburg to pay a visit to the "alternative" bars with which I had become familiar.

The car turned right.  I had a few drinks ... and in the "closer" bar, Chris caught my eye -- not once, but twice, as he was doing the rounds of the same few establishments in town, and as he had left and came back.  I bought him a beer -- and interrupted him to save him from a conversation with a person I had previously met under the same scenario.  Chris lived in town and invited me back to his house to "cableTV and chill" (it was the late 90's after all, and Netflix wasn't around then).  Which finally gets me to the reason for this photo of "PA's best meat department" ... the next morning, he made breakfast -- and it included pepper bacon he had bought at Karns.

I waited three days to call him ('cause 'The Rules' were a thing back then), and within the week, I was cutting short a trip to western PA in order to get some more quality time with him.  I would never have guessed that one night would become 20 years ... but I'm sure those of you who know me well know that "bacon the morning after" certainly helped our relationship start off on the right foot.