Saturday, September 1, 2018

JUST ONE MORE ... chicken dish (September 2018)

JUST ONE MORE ... chicken dish.

Here's why -- September is National Chicken Month (according to the National Chicken Council, who apparently wants everyone to "taste the possibilities", as per the month's official tagline).  And here's *also* why -- all this year, for obvious reasons, there's been a bit of a homey, escapist feel to this ongoing concept to
 embrace incremental change in order to empower folks (or just me) to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach and apathy often seems to be running rampant.

When everything else around you seems to be going to hell in a handbasket, it's important to focus on what you *can* control -- like, for instance, choosing what you're going to have for dinner (admittedly not exactly a #resist kind of move, but baby steps, people, baby steps).  Anyway, according to that same council, Americans are consuming poultry in record numbers (110.7 lbs per capita is forecast for 2019 -- the highest since records were kept this way starting in 1965) ... and, besides, was there ever a more versatile main ingredient when it comes to the variety of ways to prepare it?  (And before you "other white meat" people challenge me on that, just know that your month is coming.)    

As for me and why this month's choice speaks to my past, it's a known fact that I come from a chicken family -- my grandma on my dad's side used to chop their heads off, one after another, in the back yard of the family homestead ... and her broasted chicken recipe once found its way into a Neidermyer's restaurant that my uncle Fred ran.  My father managed one of the processing plants in my home county in PA ... and met more than wife -- *one* of whom was my mother -- in the process.  What can I say?  Chicken is in my blood.

So this month, consider celebrating with me (unless, of course, you are a vegetarian, and then maybe you'll have to sit this one out OR modify it to be just one more ... tofu dish), and together we'll forget about all the troubles and lose ourselves in just one more super tasty and extra delicious ... chicken dish!