Friday, August 31, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 8/31/18

The last time I posted in this series (a fortnight ago), I hinted that there would be a set of pictures from THE social event of the season, where "season" is defined as September of 1998 -- twenty years ago, as we do on every other Friday on the blog -- and where "THE" is in the eye of the beholder.

Upon review, I never promised to call out exactly what that event was ... but suffice it to say that IF you attended, then you already know the goings-on about which I am speaking.

Hint:  *this* was the "after-party" ... and these two well known Lebanon-Countians were there (and they look to be deep in conversation discussing the activities of the day).  Don't worry -- if you weren't lucky enough to get an invite two decades ago, all will be abundantly clear two weeks from today ...