Monday, July 9, 2018

Random Memorial for Monday 7/9/18

Gone but not forgotten:  here it is another fortnight ... and there is another "Madge" tape in the trash can (right there with the remnant's of last night's key lime pie slices).

Remember -- this isn't some kind of protest, but just the realization that, seeing as how we also have the CD in the collection, holding on to a duplicate of her release in cassette tape format from the last millennium is no longer necessary.

As for this album -- her third -- from the heyday of my life known as the late 80's -- the song I'll choose from it to accompany tonight's goodbye post is the rallying cry to save the world for the boys and girls born into it by choosing love not war.  Because, in a time like ours, is there ever a message more relevant as one that affirms that 'Love' [is what] 'Makes the World Go 'Round'!?