Sunday, July 1, 2018

JUST ONE MORE ... (odd) holiday (distraction) (July 2018)

JUST ONE MORE ... (odd) holiday (distraction).

I am willing to bet all the marbles that you might be looking for a distraction right about now.  (Full disclosure:  I actually don't currently own ANY marbles -- so I guess if I win the bet, I'd at least have YOUR marbles.)  Lucky for you, I have this ongoing concept to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks (or just me) to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach and apathy often seems to be running rampant ... and if most people's current status is "distraction desperately needed" as I suspect, then I'm going to be able to provide exactly what is needed.

Lucky for me -- and lucky for all of us in the aforementioned category -- the month of July happens to have all kinds of slightly official reasons to focus on anything other than the news of the day in order to otherwise occupy your mind and body and soul with something ... well ... something more distracting.  My made-up holiday (MidYear's Day) isn't on any slightly official list (yet), but it didn't stop me from making sure that I spent today surrounded by quality bbq (because quality bbq is the traditional meal for MidYear's Day, as per me).

Over on the Facebook each week I'll be highlighting other special days coming up this month ... and hopefully you'll join me -- especially when it comes to flitch day (you know if you know) -- for the celebrations.  Because really, isn't it true that, after all we've been through, you and I deserve just one more ... (odd) hoilday (distraction) ...