Friday, June 1, 2018

JUST ONE MORE ... nap (June 2018)

JUST ONE MORE ... nap.

You may have noticed that when it comes to this ongoing concept to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks (or just me) to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach and apathy often seems to be running rampant ... this year has taken a definite turn to an overarching theme of sorts.

It seems to me that except for those who get off on conflict or on being impish or on acting extra-confrontational (and admittedly, every now and then, that might be me), there's a bit of a fatigue in the country over how we're all being manipulated into extreme tribalism and encouraged to hate one another.  In my opinion, nothing pairs better with "fatigue" than embracing the benefits of taking a good old-fashioned nap every now and then.  (Who knows?  Maybe I'm being influenced by how easily our pack of animals can prioritize a good snooze.)

To be clear -- this month, I'm not talking about the amazing snooze function on the Facebook (although that is something I've previously featured as a handy solution to dealing with anyone who is being extra abrasive on social media) ... but instead I'm promoting the concept of literally finding just a little bit of time in your day to rest, to relax and to study the inside of your eyelids for a set period of time.

Over on the Facebook, I'll be sure to post weekly reminders -- although, as always, this concept is all about finding the right frequency that works for you and your life.  I'm not necessarily suggesting that you sleep every day away until this all passes ... but surely you can find a way, every so often, to arrange for just one more ... nap.